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Museums, Historic Houses & Heritage Bodies


Art & Antiques Appraisals is a member of the Museums Association. Principal James Glennie has been working in liaison with museums, galleries and heritage bodies over the past three decades and has an appreciation of the complexities and ethical issues facing the sector. We are pleased to have undertaken valuations for The Royal College of Art, The British Museum, The British Council, English Heritage, The Church of England and numerous independent and local authority museums.

As an entirely independent organisation we are able to bring our impartial commercial skills to the assistance of curators considering acquisitions and ethical disposal. We are leaders in the field of valuations for museums and heritage bodies whether the purpose is insurance, acquisition or ethical disposal.

Our valuations are widely accepted by grant giving and similar bodies such as the Heritage Lottery Fund, The Art Fund, The Art Fund/V&A Purchase Grant Fund, The Garfield Weston Foundation and the Government Indemnity Scheme. We are recommended by the leading specialist insurance brokers and underwriters.

Whilst undertaking an insurance valuation of the entire collection for Northampton Museums we highlighted the value of the Egyptian sculpture of Sekhemka, which eventually led it to its highly controversial sale for almost £16m. Please click here to read about the background to this event.


Historic Houses

Art & Antiques Appraisals, a member of the Historic Houses Association, has conducted valuations for English Heritage and at National Trust houses. We offer a discrete service for private historic house owners and their trusts, where we are happy to discuss any aspect of collection management and give independent advice on acquisitions and sales. We provide illustrated inventories arranged to suit the client’s individual needs in an affordable way and are happy to discuss a range of pragmatic insurance solutions.